We are part of the FTW Benefice - Fauls, Tilstock and Whitchurch, and work closely with the other 2 churches in the benefice. Our weekly FTW pew sheet be found on the St Alkmund's website link below.
If you would like t make a donation to Holy Immanuel, Fauls please do so by bank transfer to: Fauls Parochial Church Council, Account number: 70731633, Sort Code:20-45-45. Thank you!
On the first Sunday of each month we have a slightly shorter 'family' Morning Worship Service which is particularly suitable for those families with young children (although children are welcome at all of our services)
A Sung Communion Service
A Sung Communion Service
A Sung Communion Service
There is often a joint service at one of the 3 churches (here SY13 2AS, St Alkmund's, Whitchurch SY13 1LB or Christ Church, Tilstock SY13 3JL) in the benefice, so please see notice boards and church publications for details or contact Revd Sue Armstrong.
As a small village church we constantly strive to keep going and to this end we have many social/fundraising events and clubs held in our Church Hall, built in 1938. The Hall instantly became the social centre of the Parish and still is to this day.
During Lent - Lent Lunches (weekly following a short Lenten Service). Special Events including 'The Carol Supper' (Church fundraiser) and the Christmas Fair. There are regular bookings too, including: Flower Club, Fauls Singers rehearsals, and hopefully Bingo again.
The Hall is also the Polling Station.
During the March 2020 Coronavirus Lockdown several of our very talented ladies got together and made a sewn, floral, decorative hanging and cushion cover - shown below with some other photos of the inside of Holy Immanuel Church, Fauls